CMGI Policies and Procedures:
- Anyone who plans to work in the CMGI is required to have a safety training session before they can be issued keys and use the facility. Contact to setup an appointment.
- It is CMGI policy that investigators or a representative from their lab be accessible by phone, if not present onsite, during the imaging session to make any procedural decisions that might affect their study results.
- Investigators who use any CMGI imaging instrument or the cryotome MUST disinfect the instrument after use and clean up after themselves. Consult with CMGI staff if you are unsure how to disinfect the instrument. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in loss of privileged use of the instrument.
- Investigators are required to provide the CMGI with a digital or a hard copy of their approved Animal Use and Care Protocol and any relevant amendments in a timely manner. This information will remain confidential.
- It is CMGI policy that the investigator acknowledges the CMGI, and credits any federal support the CMGI receives, in publications of studies conducted at the CMGI. Contact Doug Rowland ( for federal grant numbers or assistance with wording. We also request that investigators provide the CMGI with a copy of the published article, preferably digitally, so that we can include the citation in annual reports to funding agencies, and in the list of publications we maintain on the CMGI website.
- Laboratory personnel who have an accident or injure themselves while working in the CMGI must immediately notify Doug Rowland, Dave Kukis, Cyclotron/Radiochemistry Manager, or CMGI staff if the former are not available.